Can this be Vodka, made from 100% Honey?


I love watching facial reactions when people sample spirits. When men try a shot of commercial vodka like Smirnoff or Alberta Pure they grimace and then grin when it finally goes down. Women just usually violently shake their heads and mutter no, no!
It was a pleasant surprise recently when a distillery from Comox Valley named Wayward Distillation House sampled their vodka and gin. Reaction? Both men and women smiled, swallowed and ummm’s came out of their mouths.
I had to try it; smooth and velvety, full bodied almost creamy and pleasant, slightly sweet nose. Talk about a game changer, this vodka and in fact all spirits from Wayward are made from 100% honey.
Their gin is a Canadian twist on the classic London Dry style, with cedar and citrus notes along with the usual juniper. Equally amazing it makes the ultimate gin and tonic. Beware , it’s so good it could get you in trouble!
The ultimate coffee martini is made from their Espresso spirit which is crafted by soaking freshly roasted beans to capture the true essence of espresso in a glass. Not sweet just damn good!
These spirits deserve our support, 100% BC ingredients and hand crafted products that can stand up to the finest spirits in the world. Available at your favorite private liquor store or check out their website at It doesn’t get any smoother than honey! Salut.

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